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1. Obesity Locust bean contains high amount of soluble fibers due to which it is very beneficial for people who want to lose weight.

2. Diabetes Locust beans are very beneficial for diabetes. For this the bean seeds are fermented and the alcoholic extract is then taken as medicine. In addition to diabetes, it also helps in controlling the cholesterol levels.

3. Eyesight locus beans helps in promoting good eye sight.


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Locust Beans It is primarily used in seasoning of the soups and stews. In western nations it is recognized as African locust bean. It transforms the taste of the soups when mixed in them and no soup in African nation is complete without it. We are going to discuss some of the primary health benefits of locus beans here.

1. Obesity Locust bean contains high amount of soluble fibers due to which it is very beneficial for people who want to lose weight.

2. Diabetes Locust beans are very beneficial for diabetes. For this the bean seeds are fermented and the alcoholic extract is then taken as medicine. In addition to diabetes, it also helps in controlling the cholesterol levels.

3. Eyesight locus beans helps in promoting good eye sight.

4. Diarrhea Due to high content of tannins it is use in the treatment diarrhea. It has not been proved medically for its actions but local research shows that it does help.

5. Healing The bark of the tree is used for healing purposes. The bark is first broken down to powder and is used to heal wounds. It is also used in the treatment of leprosy and helps in its healing.

6. Toothache & Fever The bark is boiled and decoction is prepared out of it. This liquid is then used as mouthwash which helps to keep it safe from infections and gives relief in toothache. This decoction is also used in bath to give relief from fever.

7. Blood Pressure In one of the research done on rats, it was found that locus beans has a very good effect in lowering arterial blood pressure. It was also seen that it helped in lowering the systolic blood pressure too. Disclaimer: The information provided is collected from reliable sources and is generally believed to be true and trustworthy but we do not have any evidence that these are backed by Scientific research. This is given in general reader’s interest and benefit. However, we are in no way be held responsible, neither do we take any liabilities for any loss, damage, adverse effect etc. nor do we assume any responsibilities for such loss, damage, etc. either wholly or partly.

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