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SKU: BOBOLO 600G Categories: ,

The bobolo or cassava stick is a Cameroonian dish made from cassava in the form of fermented cassava, wrapped in a stick-shaped leaf and steamed.

The main ingredient is cassava tubers. The cassava is peeled and cut into pieces and soaked in water for a few days. This is to make it soft. After this time the cassava is removed and pounded into the paste, then put into a bag that has holes and tied. It is then kept for a few days to allow the water to drain out. The water that drains during this process is assumed to take away the undesired taste and odour from the paste. At a point when it is thought that the water has finished draining, the paste is removed from the bag, put into a large container or pot. Water is added and it is stirred until the mixture is unanimous. It is then put in small up long pieces of leaves and tied with robes from plantain suckers, banana suckers, fertilizer bags or ropes from the middle of bamboo sticks. After tying, it is then cooked until ready to be eaten.
Whether bobolo or minyando, the process is the same but the only difference comes in, in terms of their sizes. Bobolo is larger and long in size while minyando is small and short. All of them can be beaten with roasted fish, chicken, meat, vegetables, fried egg, soup, egusi pudding or in any form desired by the individual.
It is peculiar to the people of the center region of Cameroon. But people around the littoral, North west and western regions prepare it and take to bus stops where people travelling long distances buy and take it home as a present for their loved ones and friends. Some people buy and prepare and place it as a meal for large occasions. Some buy and put in their refrigerators for later consumption when there seems to be no food in the house.

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